Irish Radioplayer Support

The Irish Radioplayer app is supported by all member stations. If you are having trouble receiving a station, consult the FAQ. If you continue having trouble, contact the station in question. is a technical platform that has no influence on the design of the streams or the station-specific content.

App Requirements

The following devices have been tested with the app and are guaranteed to work:

Irish Radioplayer has been observed to work on other devices too with varying degrees of performance.

Crash Reports

If the app crashes on your device, a crash report is automatically sent back to our development team. Armed with the details of your crash and others like it, new, more robust app updates are coded and released. This is an ongoing, 'behind the scenes' process that requires nothing extra from you.


The app can be controlled to a certain extent by the stations that are feeding it. If you see the opportunity for a great new feature, contact a station and make your suggestion known. From there, the station may build the function into their offering, or bring the suggestion forward to the Technical group that guides the direction of the app.